Archive for the ‘How To’ Category

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public class FriendlyTimeDescriptionTest
private static string Run(TimeSpan span)
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public void TestNow()
Assert.AreEqual("now", Run(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0)));

public void TestSeconds()
Assert.AreEqual("1 second ago", Run(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 1)));
Assert.AreEqual("2 seconds ago", Run(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 2)));
Assert.AreEqual("59 seconds ago", Run(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 59)));

public void TestMinutesAndSeconds()
Assert.AreEqual("about 1 minute ago", Run(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 1, 1)));
Assert.AreEqual("about 3 minutes ago", Run(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 3, 1)));

public void TestMinutesAndSecondsRounding()
Assert.AreEqual("about 4 minutes ago", Run(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 3, 31)));

public void TestDaysHours()
Assert.AreEqual("about 3 hours ago", Run(new TimeSpan(0, 3, 3, 1)));
Assert.AreEqual("about 2 days ago", Run(new TimeSpan(2, 0, 1, 1)));

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Part 2: More Dot layout

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Buy imitrex nasal spray from trusted pharmacy, Welcome to part one of a four part series on getting some sweet visualisations of workflows, using the open source digraph tool "Dot". Where can i find imitrex nasal spray online, This first post will be about dot's DSL (which rocks), and how to generate it, imitrex nasal spray pills. Imitrex nasal spray discount, Part two will look at some advanced styling and layout. Parts 3 and 4 will be about ways to publish this data over the Internet (Dot is a command line tool), imitrex nasal spray in usa. Sale imitrex nasal spray, Dot's input language is very simple. Here's an example of a digraph generated by dot:


And the code to create this graph was:

digraph G{ //declare a digraph, and give it a name of "G"
    node[fontname=arial]; //sets the default font for all nodes
    bismuth212->thallium208[label="36%"]; //create a labelled edge
    thallium208->lead208; //create an unlabelled edge
    lead208[color=gray] //set the colour for the (already declared) lead 208 node

You can also give labels to nodes - the following code creates exactly the same graph:

digraph G{



You can get more information about the Dot language at the graphviz site, buy imitrex nasal spray from trusted pharmacy.

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And here's my data:

State Transition
ID    Name
1    Start
2    Write test
3    Run test (red stage)
4    Write function
5    Run test (green stage)
6    Refactor
7    Run test (refactor stage)
8    Finish
ID    FromStateID    ToStateID    Description
2    1    2   
3    2    3   
4    3    2    Passed
5    3    4    Failed
6    4    5   
7    5    6    Passed
8    5    4    Failed
9    6    7   
10    7    8    Passed
11    7    4    Failed


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DECLARE @crlf varchar(2)
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DECLARE @s varchar(max)
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SELECT @s=@s+' '
FROM State

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FROM Transition

SELECT 'digraph G{'+@crlf+@s+'}'

we'll get the following output:

digraph G{



  2[label="Write test"];

  3[label="Run test (red stage)"];

  4[label="Write function"];

  5[label="Run test (green stage)"];


  7[label="Run test (refactor stage)"];













Which we can run through the dot tool:

C:\Program Files\Graphviz 2.21\bin>dot -Tgif -ooutput.gif


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I don't know what causes it (language settings were mentioned on that thread - I'm using en-NZ), but if you look inside the dzproj file itself, pristiq to buy, Pristiq paypal, the Ids of all the composition nodes are all wrong.

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using System;
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using System.Xml.Linq;

class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var file = string.Join(" ", args);

XDocument d = XDocument.Load(file);

var images = from i in d.Descendants("Image")
select Path.GetFileName(i.Element("File").Value);

var imageList = images.ToList();

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