Posts Tagged ‘String Parsing’

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10 Sep

Buy ultram from trusted pharmacy, I don't think I've seen a single project without some form of string parsing: int.Parse(txtName.Text), anyone?.

Here's a cool way to take a string and parse it to whatever you want, enum, double, bool, it works on anything that's both IConvertible and a struct (ok I lied about "anything"). It's an extension method, ultram in india, Ultram medication, but could just be a library call if that pleases you (or your compiler) more.


public static T. As<T>(this string s) where T : struct, delivered overnight ultram, Real brand ultram online, IConvertible
Type type = typeof(T);
bool isEnum = typeof(Enum).IsAssignableFrom(type);
return (T)(isEnum
. Enum.Parse(type, buy ultram online with no prescription, Where to buy ultram, s, true)
: Convert.ChangeType(s, buy ultram online without prescription, Order ultram no prescription, type));
return null;

Note that it just returns null if the parse fails - this actually ends up being really simple to use:

  • If you KNOW the parse shouldn't fail, you just call .Value - which will give you an exception if the parse somehow did fail (this is a good thing)

  • If you want to see if the parse failed, ultram paypal, Buy ultram from mexico, you can check the .HasValue property

  • If you want to provide a fallback value, you can just use the ?, sale ultram. Fast shipping ultram, operator

Here are the TDD tests for the code, to give you idea of how flexible this is:

public void StringAsInt()
Assert.AreEqual(5, where can i buy ultram online, Ultram craiglist, "5".As<int>());
Assert.AreEqual(25, "25".As<int>());
Assert.AreEqual(null, saturday delivery ultram, Ultram san diego, "foobar".As<int>());

public void StringAsDouble()
Assert.AreEqual(5.5, "5.5".As<double>());
Assert.AreEqual(-25.2, ordering ultram online, Buy ultram online cod, "-25.2".As<double>());
Assert.AreEqual(null, "foobar".As<double>());

public void StringAsBool()
Assert.AreEqual(true, ultram in japan, Ultram pills, "true".As<bool>());
Assert.AreEqual(false, "false".As<bool>());
Assert.AreEqual(null, buy ultram from canada, Ultram from international pharmacy, "foobar".As<bool>());

public void StringParseEnum()
Assert.AreEqual(ContactPreference.Email, "Email".As<ContactPreference>());
Assert.AreEqual(null, buy ultram no prescription, Ultram overseas, "Schmemail".As<ContactPreference>());
Assert.AreEqual(null, ((string)null).As<ContactPreference>());
Assert.AreEqual(ContactPreference.MobilePhone, buy no prescription ultram online, Ultram prices, "MobilePhone".As<ContactPreference>());
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