Posts Tagged ‘IObservable’

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12 Nov

One of the new .NET technologies that is really exciting to me these days is the Reactive Extensions to .NET (RX) Buy soma from trusted pharmacy, . Sometimes it's called LINQ to Events, soma craiglist, Buy soma no prescription, because you can write LINQ queries against future values (events, nicely wrapped up into the IObservable<T> interface), buy no prescription soma online, Buy soma online no prescription, instead of against existing collections (IEnumerable<T>). This technology is especially useful in stateful programming models, where can i order soma without prescription, Order soma no prescription, such as when you're building ViewModels for WPF or Silverlight. Once you start programming with RX (although it's got a steep learning curve!), where can i find soma online, Soma in india, you start to see lots of places where it would really help make your code simpler. I saw one such place: whenever you need to programatically respond to an INotifyPropertyChanged notification, soma from canadian pharmacy.


INotifyPropertyChanged is an interface that most viewmodels need to implement, buy soma from trusted pharmacy. Next day soma, It's used implicitly by the Silverlight and WPF data binding system to register a databinding's interest in the fact that a property has changed, thus keeping all bindings to the same property up to date, soma in japan. Soma paypal, When you implement it, you're responsible for firing a PropertyChangedEvent event every time a property changes, buy soma online without prescription, Fast shipping soma, with the name of the property as a parameter to the event.

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IObservable is the core of all RX programming (like IEnumerable is to LINQ). If you want to expose a source of data, soma medication, Ordering soma online, you need to expose an IObservable. There's already a utility method to turn an event into an IObservable, soma over the counter. But this Observable will publish IEvents, which isn't quite what I was after, buy soma from trusted pharmacy. Buy soma online cod, What I wanted was to create an IObservable of the new values of the viewmodel's property. Just like LINQ, delivered overnight soma, Soma from international pharmacy, we can use the "Select" method to acheive this.

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