Posts Tagged ‘date formatting’

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Sometimes you don't want to make your users think Buy flomax from trusted pharmacy, . There's the odd situation where you want to represent time in natural language: "about 4 hours ago" instead of just printing out a full timestamp, rx free flomax. Flomax discount, If you're building a website, then the jQuery plugin Timeago is a pretty sweet way to do it (as long as you can stand webpages that auto update text), online buying flomax hcl. Flomax from canadian pharmacy, Sucks for me, I'm working with WPF, where to buy flomax. Buy no prescription flomax online, (Not really sucks at all). So I needed a C# implementation of the same thing, buy flomax from trusted pharmacy. Surely someone's done this, purchase flomax, Flomax in usa, right. Well my Google-fu failed me, flomax medication, Buy flomax no prescription, and even when I Googled on bing I came up with nothing, so I built it myself, flomax overseas. Flomax for sale, And I'm posting it here for you (and for me, later), buy cheap flomax. Flomax buy online, If you've found a good one, please let me know, flomax prescriptions. Buy flomax from trusted pharmacy, First, the test cases, so you can see if the format I want is the format you want:

public class FriendlyTimeDescriptionTest
private static string Run(TimeSpan span)
return FriendlyTimeDescription.Describe(span);

public void TestNow()
Assert.AreEqual("now", Run(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0)));

public void TestSeconds()
Assert.AreEqual("1 second ago", Run(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 1)));
Assert.AreEqual("2 seconds ago", Run(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 2)));
Assert.AreEqual("59 seconds ago", Run(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 59)));

public void TestMinutesAndSeconds()
Assert.AreEqual("about 1 minute ago", Run(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 1, 1)));
Assert.AreEqual("about 3 minutes ago", Run(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 3, 1)));

public void TestMinutesAndSecondsRounding()
Assert.AreEqual("about 4 minutes ago", Run(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 3, 31)));

public void TestDaysHours()
Assert.AreEqual("about 3 hours ago", Run(new TimeSpan(0, 3, 3, 1)));
Assert.AreEqual("about 2 days ago", Run(new TimeSpan(2, 0, 1, 1)));

I've conveniently wrapped all this up into an IValueConverter implementation, but if you're not using WPF you can rip out the necessary methods. Flomax pills, Please excuse the newline-enthused formatting - this blog theme has limited column width.
[ValueConversion(typeof(DateTime), where can i find flomax online, Order flomax from United States pharmacy, typeof(string))]
public class FriendlyTimeDescription : IValueConverter
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CultureInfo culture)
var time = System.Convert.ToDateTime(value);
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public static string Describe(TimeSpan t)
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double[] doubles = {
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.FirstOrDefault(x => x.value != 0);
if (firstNonZero == null)
return "now";
int i = firstNonZero.index;
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int quantity = (int)Math.Round(doubles[i]);
return prefix + Tense(quantity, ordering flomax online, Buy flomax online cod, NAMES[i]) + " ago";

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return Binding.DoNothing;

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